Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Magnet Faces ! Made From Plastic Bottle Tops !

Magnet Faces !
Made From Plastic Bottle Tops !
These are really cute and easy to make, made from recycled bottle tops and tops from jars !
Just another one of my recycled projects as I said once before my brain is always swimming with ideas that's why I'm so glad I'm blogging to document it all and free up some free space in my brain !
All you need is some tops, a packet of googly eyes ( cheap from the $2 store) some glue and some magnets, if you are like me and people keep giving you magnets that advertise their companies then you will have plenty free of charge. Cut the magnets a little smaller then the top so you cannot see it from the front, some of them you will need to fit another top inside so it will fill the gap so the magnet will sit flush with the back. Then stick on the googly eyes  and draw a smile using a permanent black texta.
How simple is that and I think they look really cute . If could also use old buttons for the eyes , you could also add other bits and pieces like some hair or fur or feathers , you could add some cotton wool to make the red one look like Santa. So get the kids around the table and have fun creating all sorts of cute and wonderful faces ! I f you don't have any tops around the house, when you go out walking get the kids to collect them from the ground that's also a great way of helping keep Australia beautiful , A win win for ever one ! Don't forget to wash them and their hands as well, of course !Happy crafting and recycling !


  1. I came over from Transformation Thursday @ The Shabby Chic Cottage. This is such a cute idea! Definitely gonna have to make these with my nieces. They will get a kick out of them. Thanks for sharing.

  2. What a great upcycle for Earth Day. I will be bookmarking this post for my Earth Day Craft Features next week!

    If you have a moment today, please share this with my readers @Creative Juice Thursday Hope to see yours among all the amazing projects!

  3. Friday will be the Earth Day feature!

    Thanks for sharing this at Creative Juice! Hope to see you back at the party tonight!
