Hi..not sure if any one still follows my blog..as you can probably see from my last post, I haven't posted for a while...
Trying to live a happy healthy life ! Recipes Sewing Craft & other ideas to simplify my life & hopefully others also ! I try to live by the 4 R's Reduce Reuse Recycle & Rethink

Saturday, October 7, 2017
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Hello to all my lovely followers and any one else who drops bye to visit.
Hello to all my lovely followers and every one else who drops bye to visit.
As you can see I haven't blogged for a while..been busy with lots of other things..Hope to return soon and share everything I've been doing..Been getting into shabby chic painting furniture..Kev was out of work for 12 months so we were going to the beach lots ..but he is temporary back at work until the end of the financial year ..Our computer crashed and having to learn how to use new soft ware..that'sa bit challenging for me too..lol..
Love to you all and as I said hope to be back soon..xxxx
As you can see I haven't blogged for a while..been busy with lots of other things..Hope to return soon and share everything I've been doing..Been getting into shabby chic painting furniture..Kev was out of work for 12 months so we were going to the beach lots ..but he is temporary back at work until the end of the financial year ..Our computer crashed and having to learn how to use new soft ware..that'sa bit challenging for me too..lol..
Love to you all and as I said hope to be back soon..xxxx
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Making oven mitts from recycling a fabric rice bag !
I love recycling ..finding a use for things so many others just toss in the bin..
After finishing all the rice in this fabric bag I decided to use it and make oven mitts..
Boy oven mitts are so handy in the kitchen... I use mine just about daily ..to remove my bread from bread maker to getting things out of the oven..The print is on both sides of the bag so will make two sets..Thinking there would be plenty of tutorials on the net ..but I guess one more wont hurt.. These would also make great Christmas gifts ..Still working on the tutorial ..hope to have it up in the next few days..
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Make Your Own "Protection Guard" Card ...It could save you Hundreds if not thousands of dollars !
Make your own protection guard card for a few cents..I've been planing to do this blog for many months. finally
its here...I keep seeing them selling protection guard cards on the shopping show and
they are selling them 2 for $50 plus $10 postage. I say save your money and make
your own..So many people these days are getting skimmed a friend of mine got
skimmed just recently its a pretty scary thought, that people can just walk past
you with a skimmer and you wouldn't even know it ...until you check your bank
account and find money has disappeared from your account and it could be months
before your bank refunds you the money or you could be on holiday, what a
disaster that would be ...Any way back to making your own.This is how I made
mine, I just used an old plastic card the same size as my credit card and
covered it with aluminum foil and you place it in your wallet or purse next to your credit cards and it
stops any one skimming your card ..too easy ...I tested it out when we went
shopping just to make sure it worked, I held my card on either side of the foil
card and it blocked all my information...So I just wanted to share this with you
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
A Healthy Snack-Pop Corn !
A Quick, Easy, Healthy, Tasty Snack !
Want to make something tasty to snack on while watching a good movie or any time really ..
I made a few big bowls of pop corn today and it went down a treat with every one..
I popped my corn in a pop corn maker but of course if you don't have one you can use a pot on the stove top..Then I added a good grinding of Hymalayan pink salt, which is full of minerals and tastes great on just about everything..and about a tablespoon or two of extra virgin coconut oil. This weather you may need to pop your coconut oil into some warm water so it can be poured over your popped corn, give it a good toss and eat& enjoy...Extra virgin coconut oil is fabulous for a good healthy brain ...Among so many other things..just google how good coconut oil is for you and you'll be totally amazed..that's why I always make sure our pantry is well stocked with a few jars at all times...
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Freeze Your Garlic.. Saves Any Being Wasted !
Freeze your garlic !
I've been doing this for a while now so I wanted to share with you all..
Just another way to save money and not throw out garlic that has gone rotten before you've got to use it.
When I buy my garlic now I break all the cloves off the knob and put into a zip lock bag in the freezer and when I need some garlic for a recipe, I take some out and peel it, it slices up like butter.
I also freeze ginger and turmeric and use them often in my cooking..so no more waste..
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Hope You all had a lovely Christmas !
I haven't been blogging for a while ..taking a break over the Christmas holidays and hope to be spending most days at the beach..Love to you all ...
And I will be back soon..
This is a photo of me at the beach...
Happy new year to you all..hope 2015 will be a fabulous year, filled with an abundance of health, happiness,peace,joy,hope,love and lots of laughter and smiles :)
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Quilts ! I love quilting ..My brick quilt top
A brick quilt top !
I just need to cut my bamboo batting and backing so I can quilt this one ..I
will take a photo and post when its completed..For the template I actually
measured a standard house brick ..I cut 105 full brick pieces and 14 half
bricks..Jack keeps asking me when am I going to finish it ..As I've made 2 more
other quilts since..I made a rag quilt last month, which I'll post soon when I
get some better photos and one for Jack's bed in blue and white
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Re-Use Milk Cartons To Make Ice Bricks ! To Keep Your Food Cold !
Reduce,Re-use, Recycle !
We use UHT Long life milk and I'm always thinking how I can reuse the containers !
Here is another great recycling idea..When you have finished the milk, give the carton a good rinse out and refill with water, leave an inch at the top ..to allow for expansion when water freezes...Then pop them into your freezer and you'll have plenty of ice bricks to use when you and your family go on picnics, BBQ's etc..
These are also great to use when you go shopping and buy frozen foods to keep them cold on your way home in a cooler bag..Also in the hot weather you'll have plenty of water, when you're out .. if you are thirsty and also if you need any water for clean ups..These are also great to store in your freezer, as a freezer uses more electricity if its empty ...I'm always rethinking how to recycle and re-use things..Has any one got any other ideas of reusing these milk cartons..You could cut the tops off and use them to grow seedlings ..I've also used them to make gift tags..if you do please share..
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
"Worrying is like praying for what you don't want "
"Worrying is like praying for what you don't want "
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